Journey Planning Field Trip to Broomfield, November 12
We have been invited to participate in a collaborative Journey in a Weekend at Tomahawk Ranch! Because we live in and around Bailey, we are uniquely situated to participate without having to stay on the property, meaning the cost is next to nothing. For new Cadettes and Seniors in particular, this event will help get you started on the road to your Silver & Gold awards. This weekend will begin on Friday, December 1 and conclude on Sunday, December 3.
We have been invited to go to Broomfield this Sunday, November 12 to help with the planning of this event. We will be leaving around 2PM and getting home around 5PM. We highly recommend all girls who will be participating in the weekend event attend this event.
Please reply to this email and let us know 1) if your girl will be attending the Journey in a Weekend, and 2) if your girl will be going to the meeting on Sunday. We’ll work out transportation specifics from there.
Cooking Badges!
At last night’s meeting, we determined that we wanted to earn our cooking badges next (Simple Meals for Juniors, New Cuisines for Cadettes, and Locavore for Seniors). This will take two parts:
- a restaurant tour that we will do during the week following Thanksgiving (details TBD)
- a cooking and dinner party that we will do on Sunday, December 10 (exact times and location TBD).
The older girls should also plan on presenting their destination research during the party on December 10.
Parents and siblings are welcome to attend. More details, as well as a signup, will go out over Thanksgiving week.